International Patent Information Conference & Exposition
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2013 Programme Overview
Below is a general outline of the preliminary conference schedule. (Timings are subject to change) Sunday 10 March 2013 14:00 - 18:00 Educational Vendor Workshops 18:00 - 19:30 Welcome Reception and Exposition Monday 11 March 2013 09:00 - 17:00 Conference Sessions & Exposition 18:00 - 21:30 Conference Gala Dinner & Networking Event Tuesday 12 March 2013 09:00 - 17:00 Conference Sessions & Exposition Wednesday 13 March 2013 09:00 - 17:00 Conference Sessions & Exposition
Session Types Plenary Presentations: General presentation assembly for all delegates. Tutorials: Returning by popular demand are the IPI Tutorials. The Tutorials will provide you with time to focus on exploring selected practical topics in more depth. Led by a tutor experienced in the topic, these sessions will be delivered in smaller groups in a tutorial style, with interaction and questions from participants encouraged.   KnowledgeExchange™, Breakout Discussion Sessions: Breakout into groups to engage in a lively conversation with patent information professionals and leading service providers which will address a KnowledgeExchange Topic. This is a perfect opportunity to network with those facing similar challenges and changes in their professional work. Groups will report back their findings which will be presented during the Plenary Session.   Posters: Participate in interactive learning during the Poster Session, an opportunity for you to learn, to gain insights, and to share your ideas with other patent information professionals. Workshops: Further professional development and learning opportunities. Attendance at these workshops is open to all registered delegates and is included in the registration fee.
Networking Events These opportunities are designed to connect you with your peers at the conference. Welcome Reception Usher in the conference in style! Make sure to arrive in time to see old friends and make new connections at the official Welcome Reception on Sunday night. Meet the exhibitors while you enjoy hors d' oeuvres and beverages. KnowledgeExchange Discussion Sessions It’s your turn to join the discussion! Breakout into groups to engage in a lively conversation with patent information peers and leading service providers which will address a KnowledgeExchangeTM Topic. This is a perfect opportunity to network with those facing similar challenges and changes in their professional work. Groups will report back their findings which will be presented during the Plenary Session. Conference Gala & Networking Event All attendees are invited to be a part of this very special evening. This dinner offers an opportunity to connect with peers on the first night of the conference while enjoying local food and entertainment. Coaches will be provided to transport delegates to and from the venue.   Networking Lunches Use your lunch break to recharge and network with colleagues. Converse & Refresh Take time to refuel and relax. Get the energy boost you'll need to make the most of the many opportunities that surround you! All refreshment breaks are located in the Exhibition Hall.
Programme Schedule (preliminary)
© Copyright IPI Organization 20123 Next Conference To Be Announced
Further professional development and learning opportunities are available through educational workshops. Attendance at these workshops is open to all  registered delegates and is included in the registration fee. Workshops take place on Sunday 10 March 2013.
Educational Workshops and Training (offered free of charge to registered delegates)
Case Study: Selecting and Implementing a New Search and Analysis Framework to  Rationalize Access to Patent Information at All Levels of the Organization  Gerard van der Ligt - Director Business Intelligence, Philips Intellectual Property & Standards  The Scientific Value of Patents - How Accessible and Useful is the Scientific Content of  Patents vs Scientific Papers when put under the Text-Mining Microscope? Wolfgang Thieleman - Head of Information Retrieval and Analysis, Bayer Pharma  Significant Improvement and Addition to Patent Translate Heiko Wongel - Director, Patent Information Promotion & Training, EPO Case Study:  The Bridge between Research and Legal – How a patent analyst’s expanding  role as intermediary between the scientists and attorneys is positively impacting the  patent filing process Shawn D. Britt - Patent Analyst, Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research   Advanced Features of Free Asian Databases Christine Kämmer - Asian Patent Information, European Patent Office  Striving for Better Quality Patent Information - A Major Challenge for the Patent  Documentation Group (PDG)  Monika Hanelt - Patent Information Manager, Agfa Graphics & President of the PDG Federated Search Nigel Clarke - Head, Online Products and User Support, EPO Certification of Patent Information Professionals - Current Status and Future Plans Susan Helliwell - Patent Searching Manager, Reckitt Benckiser Looking for Similar Documents – A Case Study  Bettina de Jong - Head Patent Analysis, Shell International B.V.  Simple, Powerful Solutions to Meet Business Needs Using Analytics & Scientific  Literature   Cynthia Murphy - Senior Vice President, IP Solutions, Thomson Reuters Minesoft: Quality, Functionality and New Data Sources Rahman Hyatt - Director, Minesoft Precision Patent Searching on ProQuest Dialog™: All for One and One for All  Eddie Watkins – Director, Platform Communications, ProQuest Dialog  STN Product Update – The Choice of Patent Experts  Jan Baur - STN Trainer, FIZ Karlsruhe Patent Analytic Tools for Business Strategy Decision Making Paul Germeraad, Intellectual Assets Inc., Questel  Renaud Garat, Sales and Patent Business Director, Questel LexisNexis IP Solutions will Innovate and Expand in 2013 Ronen Speyer - IP Sales Specialist, LexisNexis  Creating Multi-Database Reports and Visualizations - Problems and Solutions Diane Webb - President, BizInt Solutions, Inc.  New Ideas in VantagePoint Nils Newman - Director, New Business Development, Search Technology IPI MasterClass™ Presentation Stephen Adams - Managing Director, Magister Ltd.
The patent world is facing the most far-reaching legislative changes in decades.  IPI-ConfEx will bring  you up-to-date on the following three landmark developments in the industry to keep you at the  cutting edge of your professional skills and ‘know-how’. For example, the next phase of the Leahy-  Smith America Invents Act takes place in March 2013 and it’s vital that Patent Information  Professionals ACT NOW to keep ahead of the curve in implementing changes as a result.
Tutorial: Successful European Oppositions - Analysis and Lessons for the Patent  Information Professional Aalt van de Kuilen - Global Head of Patent Information, Abbott  Tutorial: Best Practices and Techniques in Freedom-To-Operate Searching Gerhard Fischer - Manager, Patent Information Group, Syngenta Tutorial: Creating Groupies: Marketing The Patent Information Team and Patent  Searchers in the Corporate Environment  Margaret Rainey - Manager, Patents Information, GlaxoSmithKline  Tutorial: Applying Performance Management Principles in Patent Information Services Lucy Akers, Senior Patent Analyst, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Additional presentations and speakers to be announced.  
Focus discussion session encompassing information within small to medium sized companies as well as large organisations. Reports from the Knowledge  Exchange will be presented during the plenary session. Covering Innovative Approaches, Benchmarking & Meeting the Challenges 
IPI Knowledge Exchange™ 
a) How has your search team prepared for the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC)? -  Reactions and Experiences 
b) The America Invents Act and its impact on searching – identify the 5 most crucial changes and create an action plan to implement               these within your organization.   
c) Getting ready for the European Community Patent – What do patent information professionals/searchers need to know and do? 
d) Implementing new company strategic objectives and managing change in an information department 
e) Toning your information professional muscles – Your action plan for identifying your most valuable transferrable skills and keeping            them in top condition to provide maximum flexibility for your company 
f) How to survive in a downturn economy – demonstrating and measuring the value of the services of your department 
g) The information professional’s ‘edge’ – defining your unique value and communicating it to the company via internal marketing             methods that work 
h) What are your attorneys thinking – what’s important to them in today’s climate and how to meet their needs 
i) Timesaving tips and strategies for working faster – bring along your favorite time/cost-saving strategy to share, and learn what             techniques others use to work smarter 
j) Crowdsourcing – Where are we now, and how does this fit into the patent information professional’s remit? 
Product Updates and Enhancements – PatBase, PatentOrder , Minesoft Inspec  and Patent Archive Rahman Hyatt - Director, Minesoft
Thomson Reuters Workshop (details to be announced) 
Searching in DWPI Chemistry Resource (DCR) on STN Robert Austin - Senior STN Trainer, FIZ Karlsruhe
Creating Patent Reports and Visualizations with the BizInt Smart Charts Product Family John Willmore (VP, Product Development) and Diane Webb (President) - BizInt Solutions, Inc.
Patent Analytic Tools for Business Strategy Decision Making Paul Germeraad, Intellectual Assets Inc., and Renaud Garat, Sales and Patent Business Director, Questel
Note:  The programme is subject to change at any time. Please consult this website for the latest programme information.
All this, as well as multiple presentations on other high-interest topics for Patent Information Professionals in the networking event of the year.  If you only attend one conference in 2013, this is the one not to miss! Don’t get left behind in maintaining your patent information competitive edge – Register NOW. 
The most sweeping changes in US patent reform in 60 years: America Invents Act (AIA)  The most significant change in decades in classification for both Europe and the US:  Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC)  The long awaited change by industry worldwide: European Community Patent (EU Patent)
IPI-ConfEx Programme - Key Focus Areas
IPI-ConfEx Programme - Other Key Topics of High Interest to Patent Information Professionals
IPI-ConfEx Programme - Key Focus Areas
The Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) Three Months Onwards    Nigel Clarke - Head, Online Products and User Support, EPO
Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC)  
European Community Patent (EU Patent) 
Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA) 
The User Experience of the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) –  Initial Impact, Assessment and Reactions Gerold Frers - Head of Patent Information, Siemens 
How has your Search Team Prepared for the Cooperative Patent  Classification (CPC)? - Reactions and Experiences 
KnowledgeExchange Round Table Discussion
Plenary Presentation
Plenary Presentation
AIA/US Patent Law Reform – Landmark Changes in US Patent Law  and its Effect on  Patent Searching You Need to Know About Details to be announced
The America Invents Act and its Impact on Searching – Identify the 5  Most Crucial Changes and Create an Action Plan to Implement these  within your Organization
Open Forum Discussion on the 3 Landmark Developments and  Policy Changes in Patents
KnowledgeExchange Round Table Discussion
Plenary Presentation
A Journey into the European Community Patent: Legal and Patent  Information/Searching Implications Details to be announced
Getting Ready for the European Community Patent – What do Patent  Information Professionals/Searchers Need to Know and Do? 
Plenary Presentation
Panel Discussion
KnowledgeExchange Round Table Discussion
Patent Policy Open Forum